Bon Voyage! Let’s go somewhere!

I LOVE to travel.  But it doesn’t always go well.  Let’s face it, stuff happens.  Jet lag, weakened immune system, and the bounties that usually accompany travel such as alcohol and lessened sleep can really take a toll, leaving you screaming “I need a vacation from my vacation!”  This post will give you some insight to traveling with your oils so you can actually relax or enjoy that hike around the cobblestone streets of Paris…ahhh!  While there are several oils that can help during travel, I am going to focus on a few of my favorites.

ffLet’s start with Thieves.  I LOVE thieves for its variety of uses.  However, I REALLY love it while traveling!  This is an amazing oil blend. I take it with me on planes and dab my upper lip so that I can breathe in the protective aroma. I use Thieves straight from the bottle as a hand sanitizer especially after using the restroom on the plane, in the airport or at a highway rest stop. When people are coughing and sneezing around me in a closed plane, I’ll put some drops of Thieves in my hand, rub my hands together and then cup my hands around my nose and mouth and inhale.  I may rub a bit around my ears and on my throat over my tonsils to keep those areas clean and reinforced. Ever since I started doing this, I’ve not gotten sick from flying the friendly skies.

Next up is Peppermint Oil.  It’s great to take along Peppermint oil to help with unexpected headaches, tummy troubles, or lethargy. Inhaling Peppermint can bring up to 25% more oxygen to the brain. Betcha didn’t know THAT!  I brought it with me on a recent trip to Montana because I anticipated some altitude sickness since I was coming from sea level. Luckily I experienced no sickness, however I was glad to have my Peppermint with me just in case.  Peppermint is great for inhaling, dabbing on the temples or dropping on the tongue. You can rub it over your stomach if you have indigestion.

My personal fav…Lavender Oil.  Nothing helps to calm and wind down quite like good lavender oil. I sleep with a bath towel over my pillow (yes, even at home) and when in a hotel I definitely sprinkle the towel with drops of lavender around the area where my nose will rest so that I can inhale the soothing scent as I drift off to sleep.  Lavender also acts as a disinfectant, skin refresher, sun burn relief, and sooo much more.

These oils are also great to have in a hotel room. If the room has a box vent unit (usually under the window) I’ll wet a washcloth, drop a few drops of oil and lay the scented wash cloth over the vent to scent and clean the air of the room.

Let’s talk about Jet Lag.  Because we travel across time zones the body’s natural or circadian rhythms become disrupted. It can come with fatigue, insomnia, headache, mental confusion and even mild depression!  This can happen in addition to the other problems that some of us experience when traveling by air.  But, essential oil remedies for jet lag address all of these little travel annoyances. So let us see how essential oils can help us have a more pleasant travel experience.

It’s imperative to make a point to stay well hydrated while traveling. The same essential oil drink that I make for exercise recovery.  I like to drink while traveling. I have a great little salt box for carrying sea salt with me and I’ll bring along some lemon, grapefruit, lime, orange and/or tangerine oils with me. I can make, with a pinch of salt and several drops of oil, my own antioxidant, antibacterial and super hydrating drink. The salt helps the essential oils to emulsify with the water rather than separating. Staying well hydrated can help immensely with warding off jet lag.

How do I Prevent/Help Jet Lag Using Essential Oils?

Preventing jet lag starts 24 hours at least before you get on the plane! So let’s see how essential oils can help us prepare to fly.  Remedies for jet lag are easy with essential oils! Jet lag is one of those annoying things that can happen when you travel long distances.

  • Eating and Drinking – Drink plenty of water and eat as many hydrating foods as you can before your trip. Add some lemon or Citrus Fresh to your water so you stay hydrated and maintain your electrolyte balance.
  • Anxiety and Stress Level – Ease your anxiety level by using anti-anxiety oils before your trip. For me, I like to use Present Time My panic comes from not staying in the moment so this works best for me.
  • Sleep Well – Get a good night sleep. Place some oils on your pillow and/or diffuse some oils in your room for the night.

Even after you arrive at your destination, continue to apply these tips. The remedies for jet lag work if you continue to apply them. And make sure you consider them before you return home!

What Remedies for Jet Lag do I Use once I am at my Destination?

Here are some tips for when you arrive.

  • Sleep Later than Sooner – Try to stay up until it is time to go to bed in the current time zone. Bring a travel diffuser so you can continue to diffuse oils in your hotel or guest room! And apply to your feet, head and neck before you go to bed.
  • Take a Bath – A bath before you go to sleep will help you relax. Add lavender or geranium or any of the oils for stress and anxiety to help. It is easier to add oils to Epsom salts so they disperse. If you don’t have any, just use some regular table salt as a temporary measure.
  • Drink Water and Limit Alcohol – Sorry, alcohol really interrupts the sleep cycles and tires the body. I never sleep well when I have had more than two drinks. I know everyone is different but your body doesn’t need to deal with jet lag and a hangover. Continue to drink lots of water!

What are the Best Essential Oil Remedies for Jet Lag?


Clarity Essential Oil

Brain Power Essential Oil

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Geranium Essential Oil

Grapefruit Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential Oil

Present Time Essential Oil

Valor Essential Oil

En-R-Gee Essential Oil

Airline regulations limit the amount of liquids you can take through security check points. Essential oils bottles of 15 ml/0.5 fluid ounces comply with regulations. The essential oil bottles fit into the required quart sized zip-top bag.  For an awesome way to travel with your oils, click the link below.  Abundant Health has compact carrying cases for travel.

Freshen and Purify Your Carpet

As much as I love my pup, Moose, he wreaks havoc on our carpets.


Between bringing in dirt from outside, licking the carpet, and shedding, I should ideally be vacuuming and shampooing my carpet on a daily basis. That obviously isn’t going to happen, that’s why I was more than happy to find an alternative to tide me and my carpets over in between carpet shampoos.

I stumbled upon a recipe for a carpet freshener and purifier using baking soda and purification essential oil. It is a simple way to freshen up the carpets plus purification can help to  get rid of bacteria (purification is one of the oils in the Premium Starter Kit FYI).

carpet freshener/purifier

To make this carpet freshener, simply mix one box of baking soda with about 10 drops of purification essential oil. Let the mixture dry for a few hours before transferring to a sealed container.

carpet freshener/purifier

Once you are ready to use the mixture, sprinkle it on your carpet, let sit for 5 minutes (or less–it would be fine) and then vacuum it up!

carpet freshener/purifier

carpet freshener/purifier

carpet freshener/purifier

The result is a clean, fresh, and purified carpet. You could also use this on home furniture with fabric (obviously leather wouldn’t be the best idea), dog beds, and in your car!

I LOVE the scent of purification (citronella , lemongrass, rosemary, melaleuca, lavandin , and myrtle). It brightens up the whole house and makes me happy. In the fall and winter months, I will be making carpet freshener using thieves oil instead of purification for more of a cinnamon-y/festive smell!

Fresh carpets await!

Melanie is a Registered Dietitian and mama-to-be. She and her husband (and their 90# fur baby German Shepherd, Moose) live in a sweet little neighborhood in the suburbs of the Twin Cities. In her spare time she loves to hang out with family and friends, go for walks, run, hike, travel, write for her healthy living blog,, cook, soak up the sunshine, go to farmer’s markets, and play around with essential oils!

melanie and moose